FNFT: Dysphagia Workshop
A Guide for Practitioners who have been frustrated by 'hard-to-solve' dysphagia presentations.
Congratulations on taking the step to join global allied health professionals hungry to get better outcomes for their patients.
What you receive
Investment: $89.00 USD

What you'll learn from this course
Fascial anatomy
There are a lot of myths around fascia and it's role in musculoskeletal dysfunction. In this training you will learn a robust review of the science to date that can explain the kind of autonomic presentations such as dysphagia.
Which fascia may contribute to dysphagia?
You will learn exactly which fascial regions, which fascial layers and an anatomy review of the muscles that can cause idiopathic dysphagia.
Which tests help differentially diagnose this condition
This is not the cause of dysphagia in every patient, but to be able to recognise this cause in the patient suffering with this dysfunction you can change a life. You will learn how to clear red flags and how to differentially diagnose this condition from other similar conditions.
How to manually assess, treat or refer
Learn where to palpate and how to palpate to assess musculoskeletal and fascial restrictions. Learn how to treat, or know what to prescribe in referring to allied health professionals.
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Disclaimer: Please ensure you work within your professional scope of practice when applying these gentle FNFT release techniques to patients in your own State or Territory